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Rabbits and Fleas and Ticks

veterinary clinic Marion IA

Did you know that rabbits can get fleas and ticks? Even if your rabbit doesn’t go outside, if you have other pets in the home, small children or even just yourself then ticks can gain entrance. To help protect your rabbit, make sure other animals in the home are on a monthly flea and tick prevention medication. This will keep the number of fleas and ticks in the house down. Keep your rabbit clear of your dog if your dog has fleas or ticks. If you find a tick on your rabbit, don’t just yank it off. Grab it by the head and as close to the rabbit’s skin as possible and pull straight up. Make sure you get the head out completely. Flush the tick afterwards or save it in the freezer in a baggy for your veterinary clinic Marion, IA team to examine later should you or your rabbit get sick.