Seizures, also called convulsions or fits, can occur for various reasons. Fortunately, most cases can be successfully managed with certain drugs. To allay the fears of many pet owners, seizure episodes are not painful to the animal. Among the various reasons associated with seizures, epilepsy is the most common cause that has been observed. It occurs when there is rapid over stimulation of the neurons of the brain. While the cause of primary epilepsy is largely unknown, experts think it is genetic in nature. Seizures can also be an important symptom of certain health issues, like brain tumors, low blood sugar, problems affecting the nerves and muscles, as well as poisoning. The most common cause of secondary epilepsy is traumatic injuries to the head. Before a full-blown seizure occurs, there are early warning signs that can be observed such as the cat falling to one side, loss of consciousness (partial or full), drooling, involuntary elimination, or sporadic contractions of the muscles. The cat may also pant excessively, pace endlessly, become aggressive or excessively docile, or run in irregular patterns. If your cat is prone to seizures, consult your pet clinic Washington DC on how best to manage the symptoms and prevent episodes.