Spring and summer can bring their share of allergies in hypersensitive dogs. The intense itching suffered by these pets can be tormenting for both animals and their owners. Here are a few strategies that can help provide relief to pets suffering from seasonal allergies:
- Use a damp towel to wipe your dog down as he comes in from outdoor excursions. Pay close attention to his paws to be sure that they are dry.
- Ask your veterinarian for a soap or shampoo that can help ease and soothe dry, flaky, and itchy skin.
- If there is secondary infection, ask your veterinarian for an antibiotic to treat the infection.
- Have a flea and tick preventive program that will protect your pet throughout the year and not only during certain months or seasons.
- During outdoor excursions, check for plants that cause contact allergies, such as wandering jew.
- Give fatty acid supplements that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6.
- Try giving antihistamines to alleviate itching, however these medications don’t work for a dogs.
- Wash your pet’s bedding, blankets, or stuffed toys on hot washing cycle.
- Invest in HEPA filters and dehumidifiers to improve conditions in moldy or damp houses.
- Ask your vets Leesburg, VA for a topical steroid cream that can be used to spray on small areas of the body where itching is present.