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Tips To Avoid Dog-Biting Situations

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Do you have many dogs or do you walk around a neighborhood that has many dogs lying or walking around? You should take a proactive step (or two) to prevent fighting among dogs (including your own) to avoid future problems that are associated with dogfighting and dog bites. Check out the following helpful tips so you can avert these situations:

  • When two dogs are getting introduced to each other, the recommended approach is to ask the other dog's owner first if his or her dog is friendly and more importantly, vaccinated. You should not let your dog approach other dogs without doing this SOP (standard operating procedure) first.
  • If your beloved dog is a shy or nervous type, outgoing and friendly, or prone to aggressive behaviors (with toys and food), you might consider putting color-coded wearables on your dog. This could take the form of color-coded collars, vests, muzzles, or leashes. Look for stray dogs in your neighborhood. Call animal control immediately if you find one.

If your dog has figured in a fight with another dog, call your vet clinic Goodyear AZ immediately to see if you need to bring your pet in for an examination and possibly, treatment.