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Tyzzer’s Disease In Gerbils

· Gerbils care
 animal hospital glen ellyn il

Tyzzer’s disease affects many pocket pets--mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, and gerbils. It is a very serious medical problem, especially among gerbils in which mortality rates can reach 80%. The progress of Tyzzer’s disease is very fast. It can kill affected gerbils within 48 hours. Affected animals appear to be hunching, lethargic, and have unkempt fur. Watery or pasty diarrhea is the main symptom, but when this occurs, the illness is already too advanced and it may be too late to save the gerbil. Some gerbils die even without exhibiting diarrhea. Tyzzer’s disease can easily spread between susceptible species of rodents. While the problem can affect mammals,the problem is not as serious as it is for rodents. Although antibiotic therapy may cure some gerbils, they remain capable of transmitting the disease for at least 2 weeks, and there is always the possibility that they can become infected.

Consult with your vet Glen Ellyn, IL about the best way to protect your pet rodents from Tyzzer’s disease.